斯科特·斯塔克豪斯, PT, Ph.D.
Dr. Stackhouse received a B.A. in Biology-Psychology with a concentration in Animal Behavior from Franklin and Marshall College in 1995. Following his strong interest in human movement, he attended 阿卡迪亚大学 and obtained a M.S. in Physical Therapy in 1997. After working full-time as a physical therapist, Scott pursued a research career and obtained a Ph.D. in Biomechanics and Movement 科学 from the University of Delaware in 2003, where he studied applied muscle physiology in healthy young and older adults and children with cerebral palsy. Dr. Stackhouse furthered his education in Neuroscience by completing a post-doctoral training experience at Drexel University College of Medicine in the Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy. During his post-doctoral experience he obtained funding from the Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) 研究 Foundation to study the effects of neural stem cell transplantation and rehabilitative training in a partial cervical spinal cord injury model in the rat. Scott joined the faculty in the Department of Physical Therapy at 阿卡迪亚大学, in 2005 and attained the rank of associate professor. He is a member of the 研究, Orthopedics and Neurology sections of the American Physical Therapy Association and is currently the treasurer of the Section on 研究. While at 阿卡迪亚大学, Dr. Stackhouse has ventured into studying pain and its effects on neuromuscular function. Current ongoing investigations include studying the presence of central sensitization of pain in people with chronic Achilles tendinopathy, the resolution of sensitization with treatment using noxious electrical stimulation and eccentric exercise, and studies investigating neuromodulation techniques on pain sensitivity. Dr. Stackhouse joined the Department of Physical Therapy at UNE in August of 2017 to continue his study of neuromodulation of the pain system in chronic musculoskeletal conditions, and is supported by the Center of Biomedical 研究 Excellence for the Study of Pain and Sensory Function (PI, Dr. 伊恩·孟).
Board Certifications and Licenses
Post-Doctoral Training
Drexel University College of Medicine, Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy (Philadelphia, 宾夕法尼亚州)
Stackhouse SK, Sweitzer BA, McClure PW. The effect of shoulder pain on muscle activation at remote sites. 理疗理论 & 实践 2019; Nov 7:1-8. doi: 10.1080/09593985.2019.1686670 [Epub ahead of print].
Loyd BJ, Kittelson A, Forster J, Stackhouse S, Stevens-Lapsley J. Development of a reference chart to monitor postoperative swelling following total knee arthroplasty. Disability and Rehabilitation 2020;42(12):1767-1774. doi: 10.1080/09638288.2018.1534005.
Eckenrode BJ, Kietrys D, Stackhouse SK. Pain sensitivity in chronic Achilles tendinopathy. Int J Sports phy其他 2019;14(6):945-956. doi: 10.26603 / ijspt20190945
Loyd BJ, Stackhouse SK, Hogan C, Dayton M, Stevens-Lapsley J, Kittelson AJ. Peripheral nociception is associated with voluntary activation deficits and quadriceps weakness following total knee arthroplasty. 骨关节外科. 2019; Sep 4;101(17):1539-1545. doi: 10.2106 / JBJS.18.01457.
Loyd BJ, Burrows K, Foster JE, Stackhouse SK, Hogan C, Stevens-Lapsley JE. Reliability and precision of single frequency bioelectrical impedance assessment of lower extremity swelling following total knee arthroplasty. Physiother Theory Pract 2019; May 29:1-7. doi: 10.1080/09593985.2019.1619886 [Epub ahead of print].
Loyd BJ, Stackhouse S, Dayton M, Bade M, Hogan C, Stevens-Lapsley J. The relationship between lower extremity swelling, 股四头肌的力量, and functional performance following total knee arthroplasty. Knee 2019; 26(2):382-391.
Sung W, Hicks G, Ebaugh D, Smith S, Stackhouse SK, Wattanon P, Silfies S. Individuals with and without low back pain use different motor control strategies to achieve spinal stiffness during the prone instability test. J Orthop Sports phy其他 2019; 49(12):899-907.
Zarkou A, Stackhouse SK, Binder-Macleod SA, Lee SCK. Comparison of Techniques to Determine Human Skeletal Muscle Voluntary Activation. J Electromyogr Kinesiol 2017; 36:8-15.
Stackhouse SK, Taylor CM, Eckenrode BJ, Stuck E, Davey H. Effects of noxious electrical stimulation and eccentric exercise on pain sensitivity in asymptomatic individuals. PM&R 2016; 8(5):415-424.
Eckenrode BJ, Stackhouse SK. Improved pressure pain thresholds and function following noxious electrical stimulation on a runner with chronic Achilles tendinopathy: a case report. Int J Sports phy其他 10(3): 354-362, 2015.
Stackhouse SK, Shumsky JS. Task 实践 with or without Cellular Transplantation Promotes Recovery of Reach-to Grasp Function after Cervical Spinal Cord Injury. Int J Phys Med Rehabil 2(6): 239, 2014. doi: 10.4172/2329-9096.1000239
Singh A, Krisa L, Frederick KL, Sandrow-Feinberg H, Stackhouse SK, Murray M, Shumsky JS. Forelimb locomotor rating scale for behavioral assessment of recovery after unilateral cervical spinal cord injury in rats. J神经科学方法 2014; 226: 124-131.
Kittelson AJ, Stackhouse SK, Stevens-Lapsley JE. Neuromuscular electrical stimulation after total joint arthroplasty: a critical review of recent controlled studies. 欧洲J物理康复医学 2013; 49(6):909-920.
Stackhouse SK, Eisennagel A, Eisennagel J, Lenker H, Sweitzer BA, McClure P. Experimental pain inhibits infraspinatus activation during isometric external rotation. J肩肘外科 2013; 22(4):478-484.
Krisa L, Frederick KL, Canver JC, Stackhouse SK, Shumsky JS, Murray M. Amphetamine enhanced motor training following cervical contusion injury. J. 创伤 29(5):971-89, 2012
Stackhouse SK, Stapleton MR, Wagner DA, McClure PW. Voluntary activation of the infraspinatus muscle in nonfatigued and fatigued states. J肩肘外科 2010; 19:224-229.
Stackhouse SK, Murray M, Shumsky JS. The effect of cervical dorsolateral funiculototmy on reach-to-grasp function in the rat. J创伤 2008; 25:1039-1047.
Stackhouse SK, Binder-Macleod SA, Stackhouse CA, McCarthy JJ, Prosser LA, Lee SCK. Neuromuscular electrical stimulation versus volitional isometric strength training of the quadriceps femoris and triceps surae in children with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy: a preliminary study. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 2007; 21(6);475-485.
Stackhouse SK, Binder-Macleod SA, SCK Lee. Voluntary muscle activation, 有收缩性的, and fatigue properties in children with and without cerebral pasly. 肌肉神经 2005; 31(5):594-601.
Chmielewski TL, Stackhouse S, Axe MJ, Snyder-Mackler L. A prospective analysis of incidence and severity of quadriceps inhibition in a consecutive sample of 100 patients with complete acute anterior cruciate ligament rupture. J骨科 2004; 22(5):925-930.
Stevens JE, Stackhouse SK, Binder-Macleod SA, Snyder-Mackler L. Are voluntary activation deficits in older adults meaningful? 肌肉神经;2003; 27: 99-101.
Stackhouse SK, Johnson CD, Stevens JE, Snyder-Mackler L, Binder-Macloed SA. Predictability of maximum voluntary isometric knee extension force from submaximal contractions in older adults. 肌肉神经;2003; 27: 40-45.
Stackhouse SK, Reisman DS, Binder-Macleod SA. Challenging the role of pH in skeletal muscle fatigue. 物理学报2001; 81: 1897-1903.
Stackhouse SK, Stevens JE, Lee SCK, Pearce KM, Snyder-Mackler L, Binder-Macleod SA. Maximum voluntary activation in non-fatigued and fatigued muscle of young and elder individuals. phy其他 2001; 81: 1102-1109.
Stackhouse SK, Dean JC, Lee SCK, Binder-Macleod SA. Measurement of central activation failure of the quadriceps femoris in healthy adults. 肌肉神经 2000; 23: 1706-1712.
Northern New England Clinical and Translation 研究 Network Pilot Grant (MH-Rosen-111081-Pilot2021) Title: Influence of Noxious Electrical Stimulation on Chronic Pain. Direct Costs: $40,000;June 2020-December 2021.